Parkland CARES Food Pantry

Serving residents of Parkland School District

Choice Pantry Information

Serving residents of Parkland School District

Food Collections

With the new hours of our Choice Pantry, we will be accepting Food Donations on the following days/times:


  • 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month from 9-11 AM
  • 2nd Wednesday of the month from 4:30-5:30 PM


Most Needed Items:

  • Small Cans of Chicken Noodle Soup
  • Boxes of Mac & Cheese
  • Small Cans of Ravioli/Spaghettios
  • Small Cans of Tuna

Get Involved


We are open once each month to accept food donations. Please check the homepage or our social media sites for dates and times.

In addition, we accept financial donations on our website. Please use the form below to donate online. 


Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Parkland CARES! At this time, we are not accepting new volunteers but please check back periodically. When volunteer opportunities become available, new volunteers will need to fill out a form, attend an orientation, and submit clearances. We appreciate your patience! 

Contact Us


5074 Kernsville Rd., Unit #4, Orefield PA 18069

